Das Leitungsteam der Tafel Lübeck

The board of TAFEL Lübeck

From the economy to the TAFEL. Board work requires experience in business and human resources management. More than 300 employees, mostly volunteers, rely on well-managed structures; collection of donations must be coordinated and expenses must be reliably staffed. The board is part of a large, daily recurring task that requires quick reactions and good nerves. The board also works on a voluntary basis. 

New board members are elected every 2 years. It is exciting work that requires a lot of commitment - and is rewarded with a lot of satisfaction.

Uwe Escher

1. Chairman
Contact person for public relations

Matthias Kohrenke

2. Chairman
Contact person for transport service

Burkhardt Klatte

Contact person for finance and donations

Birger Fischer

Board member
Contact person for logistics

Christiane Richter

Board member
Contact person for marketing and social media

The TAFEL Lübeck office team

At Tafel Lübeck, we are proud of our dedicated team who put their hearts and minds into the good cause every day. Two outstanding women work in the office, whose expertise and commitment ensure that our projects run smoothly and are implemented successfully. Their tasks range from scheduling and coordinating volunteers to managing incoming donations and our association.

Together, Hanna and Emily ensure that Tafel Lübeck works efficiently and can continue to help many people in need. Their tireless commitment and passion are the driving force behind our success.

Emily Masarczyk

Contact person in the office

Hanna Jensen

Contact person in the office

The transport service of TAFEL Lübeck

The route planning for collecting the donated food and transporting it to the distribution centres is an important part of our work. Assigning the volunteers to the vehicles is like putting together a perfect team - everyone has a unique role that contributes to the smooth running of the operation.

Every vehicle is not just fuel, but also heart and commitment. Driving together becomes a symbol of solidarity and togetherness. Together, we manage to pave the way and support people in need.

Michael Worreschck


Wolfgang Engelbrecht

Deputy dispatcher